Yemen is considered one large nation due to its total area. Its total land area is 527,968 km² (about 203,849 mi²). The Yemen continental shelf is approximately 59,229 km² (approximately 22,868 mi²). Yemen is in Asia. Asia is the largest and most populous continent on earth. Asian countries include Russia, China, Japan, Hong Kong, and North and South Korea, among others. Yemen has 2 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include Oman, Saudi Arabia. Yemen is not a landlocked country. It means it is bounded by at least one major body of water. The average altitude range of Yemen is 999 m (3,278 ft).
Neighbors The total length of land borders of Yemen is 1601 kilometers (~618 mi). Yemen shares land borders with 2 different countries and has the same number of unique land borders with neighboring territories. If, as in the case of Yemen, a country has the same number of distinct neighboring regions as land borders, then that country does not have non-contiguous sections of a land border. This is in contrast to several countries that have multiple non-contiguous stretches of land borders. Yemen has 2 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include Oman and Saudi Arabia. The lengths of land borders of Yemen with its neighboring countries are as follows:
Oman - 288 km (179 miles), Saudi Arabia - 1458 km (906 miles).
Cities The capital of Yemen is Sana'a. The largest city in Yemen is Sana'a.
Elevation The average altitude range of Yemen is 999 m (3,278 ft). Yemen's highest point is Jabal an Nabi Shu'ayb with an official elevation of 3666 m (12,028 ft). The deepest point of Yemen is the Arabian Sea. The difference in altitude between the highest (Jabal an Nabi Shu'ayb) and the lowest (Arabian Sea) point of Yemen is 3666 m (2 ft).
Area The total land area of Yemen is 527,968 km² (about 203,849 mi²). and the total Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is 552,669 km² (~213,386 mi²). The continental shelf of Yemen is approximately 59,229 km² (around 22,868 mi²). Including the landmass and the EEZ, the total area of Yemen is approximately 1,080,637 km² (~417,234 mi²). Yemen is considered one large nation due to its total area.
Forest and farmland 4,490 km² of Yemen's territory is covered with forests, and forest areas account for 1% of the total land area. There are 15,364 km² of arable land in Yemen, which accounts for 3% of the country's total area.